Acupuncture has been used to treat addiction for many years. Curbing addiction specifically when it comes to smoking, is not something that can be done overnight. There will be times when you think you won't be able to stay smoke-free and want to give up. Considering acupuncture treatment when you are trying to quit can have great effects on helping you back on the road to better health. Acupuncture works by addressing the body as a whole. Illness arrises when there is a blockage or stagnation in our natural energy flow. By using acupuncture points, this treatment helps to release these blockages and return the body to its natural flow.
Not only can acupuncture help curb addiction, it can also aid in symptoms of withdrawal from nicotine once you quit. Symptoms like jitters, mood swings, and restlessness are common when quitting smoking. When you feel anxious from these feelings, it is even easier to feel the need for a cigarette. Specific acupuncture points can help relax and detoxify the body to lower withdrawal symptoms.
A study done at the University of Oslo, Norway found that those who were trying to quit smoking and received acupuncture treatment reported a reduced craving for smoking and a greater distaste for tobacco.
Acupuncture cannot completely eliminate addiction but it is a great aid in the recovery process after quitting. The first and hardest step is to decide to quit, there are many treatments including acupuncture that can help you on your way.
Contact Chinese Healing Arts at the Center for Natural Healing to learn how acupuncture can help you stay smoke free for a healthier body, mind and spirit.
A study done at the University of Oslo, Norway found that those who were trying to quit smoking and received acupuncture treatment reported a reduced craving for smoking and a greater distaste for tobacco.
Acupuncture cannot completely eliminate addiction but it is a great aid in the recovery process after quitting. The first and hardest step is to decide to quit, there are many treatments including acupuncture that can help you on your way.
Contact Chinese Healing Arts at the Center for Natural Healing to learn how acupuncture can help you stay smoke free for a healthier body, mind and spirit.
Six Alternatives To Smoking
Cayenne pepper can lower the respiratory response to tobacco and other chemicals found in cigarettes. Adding the pepper to a glass of water every day can decrease your desire for a smoke. Herbal cigarettes are often used as an aid to help smokers quit smoking. These cigarettes do not have any tobacco or other harmful chemicals that are found in normal cigarettes. They are not addictive and usually made with herbs such as cornsilk, mint, clover, or lemongrass. When breaking the habit of the physical act of smoking it is still hard, these can be a great short term option. Manny people who are trying to quit smoking experience anxiety. For smokers who have smoked regularly for years, massage may be and effective optioning reducing anxiety associated with quitting. Contact us at 828.586.6336 to learn more about how Acupuncture can assist in combatting addictions. | Because fava beans contain l-dopa, which your body converts to dopamine, these beans have been known to reduce nicotine cravings. Nicotine has addictive properties because it also releases dopamine in the brain, but by finding alternatives that have the same effects, your nicotine cravings will be reduced. There are many recipes that can be made with fava beans and are easily available at grocery stores. Research has shown that Acupuncture not only reduces cravings, but can also reduce symptoms of withdrawal such as irritability and jitters. Acupuncture works by targeting specific points on the body that help return the body back to its natural Qi, resulting in overall better health. Lime has been known to be a natural alternative to nicotine gum for quitting smoking. Squeeze lime into water through the day to help lower cravings. Lime also has an anti-infective agent to help the body's immune defense. |